Did you know that boundaries and having the sense of boundaries is a big deal? It is the one thing that defines a healthy personality and plays a major role in the person’s Sense of Self.

The way we get good at handling social dynamics is by learning about boundaries early on, experiencing them as children within the comfort and safety of our own home, where a “no” and a “limit” do not feel like personal rejections. We also learn by observing and practicing, and we get better at it. And the earlier we start the more time we get to learn it.

Because it takes time to raise a child, we need that time to teach healthy boundaries. And because it takes time for children to develop their sense of self, we need to give them plenty of opportunities to experience their own boundaries within the world of others.

A person with a weak sense of self and a weak personality will have a hard time negotiating social interactions and relationships with other people.

Why? Because when we have poor sense of boundaries, the lines between what others believe, feel, need, etc. get blurred with our own, which can be confusing at best and overwhelming at its worst. 

Teaching boundaries early also has great benefits to you as a parent. When we teach boundaries to our children, we learn and re-learn the importance of boundaries for ourselves as well. When parents have healthy boundaries it makes the work of parenting easier and guilt-free.


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