Do you have a lazy kid? How can you tell and what do you do?

If any of the following is true, today’s conversation may be for you:

  • If your child never tidies up their room and it always looks like a tornado zone 
  • If every chore you ask their help with is declined with disgust 
  • If there is no school subject your child does well in, despite adequate abilities 
  • If your child is avoiding anything that requires thinking or concentrated effort 
  • If the child shows no perseverance and gives up as soon as failure is sensed
  • If the child can never decide for themselves and shows no will power

If these things are true and are typical for your child (this is not an occasional behavior) then, let’s face it… Something is wrong and this conversation is for you.

  • How do we end up with a “lazy” kid?
  • And what do we do about it?

The reality is that our children are not broken. There is nothing we do to fix them. But we do in fact change something… What is that? Tune in to this episode find out.


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